How To Navigate The Holidays With Your Poodle

Rachael Sann | Dec 05, 2023

Make the holidays great for you and your pet!

The holidays are great fun for us humans, we see family and friends, indulge in delicious food, decorate our homes and exchange gifts. However if you’re sharing your holiday season with a standard poodle, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure this exciting time of the year is stress-free for both you and your poodle. Remember, with change in schedule and all of the other festivities your standard poodle might need some help and patience from you in order to adjust. Here are some tips to help make your holiday season with your poodle a memorable one.

Dealing with visitors:

If you’re hosting a holiday party and you’ve got a standard poodle at home it’s important to prepare your space, your guests and your pup for an incident free party.


  • If your dog is going to be mingling, be sure to introduce your poodle to the visitors so neither your pup nor your guests are caught off-guard
  • Give your guests some guidelines for interacting with your pup based on what you know about your dog (ie, letting the dog approach you, not petting certain spots or other nuances)
  • Make sure everyone who is attending your get-together is aware your dog will be present so they can make the best decision for their family if they feel nervous or weary of dogs

Create A Safe Space

  • Designate a quiet and comfortable space for your poodle so they can rest and retreat if they feel overwhelmed by guests
  • You can use a crate or a specific room with their bed and favorite toys
  • This should be a place where they won’t be interrupted or visited by other guests so your poodle can get adequate rest if they need it

Training and Behavior

  • Ideally your poodle should be well-trained before you have a house full of guests. You’ll want them to obey basic commands in order to best manage them around visitors
  • Closely monitor your poodle’s behavior around guests to make sure they’re not jumping 

Handling travel and schedule changes:

The holiday season often means traveling, staying out later than normal, and other unpredictable schedule changes. This can affect your poodle if you’re not planning ahead.

Maintain Routine:

  • Stick to your poodle’s regular feeding, walking and playtime schedule as best as possible
  • Maintaining as much consistency as you can will help to reduce stress and anxiety (and unwanted behavior) in your standard poodle

Prepare for Travel:

  • Pack familiar items like their bed, favorite toys, food and their dishes
  • If you’re driving a long distance make sure you plan for regular breaks to play, walk and take bathroom breaks

Adjustment Period:

  • Understand that changes in routine or environment might affect your poodle’s behavior
  • Be patient, give them time and space to adjust to their new surroundings while maintaining boundaries and training

Navigating the extra food temptations

The holiday season usually includes an influx of meals, snacks, goodies and treats. While you (or your guests) might be tempted to share these festivities with your poodle, it’s important to keep your pup’s dietary needs and overall health in mind.

Educate Your Guests:

  • Make sure your guests know about your poodle’s dietary restrictions and know your rules about feeding your dog without permission
  • If you and your guests feel like they want to share in the holiday spirit with your pup, consider having some approved treats available 

Secure Trash Bins:

  • Dogs and especially puppies can be tempted by the smells coming from your trash can at holiday parties
  • Make sure the trash bins are secure and in locations that are inaccessible to your pup
  • Remind your guests to clean up after themselves so your pup doesn’t accidentally find some food they’re not supposed to have

Monitor Food Access:

  • It might be necessary to put your poodle in their crate or in a separate room during mealtime
  • Keep an eye on your poodle when food is out and available to make sure they aren’t eating anything they shouldn’t

Keeping them away from gifts and decorations

Gifts and decorations are a fun and festive part of the holiday season. Although these might be magical for us, they might be potentially problematic for your standard poodle if you’re not thinking ahead.

Puppy Proofing:

  • Be cautious about leaving wrapped gifts under the tree or anywhere else within their reach as they might be tempted to explore and chew
  • If you’re decorating your tree, consider whether or not it’s a good idea to put ornaments on the lower branches. As always, you know your pup best so you can decorate accordingly
  • Place a gate or barrier around the tree and gifts or any other decorations that you want to keep your poodle away from


  • Keep an eye on your poodle, especially if you notice them eyeing up your decorations or wrapped gifts
  • Remove (or place out of reach) small decorations that could be harmful if ingested

You can have a happy holiday season with your poodle!

It might take a little more planning and a little more effort on your part, but it’s totally possible to include your furry companion in your holiday festivities. Create wonderful memories with your family and your pup by first ensuring your poodle is trained, occupied and well cared for especially during this busy season.


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Standard poodles are known for their intelligence and their eagerness to learn and please. Properly training your standard poodle will not only make them a better behaved companion, it’s also an important part of their mental health and wellness. While every pup is different, here are five general tips to help you train your standard poodle puppy. 1. Understanding your poodle’s personality: Poodles are highly intelligent and perceptive animals. They are revered for their sharp minds and quick learning abilities. They also sometimes get a bad reputation for being mischievous and naughty. Standard poodles aim to please their owners and they thrive off being challenged. When these pups aren’t getting those needs met, that’s when we tend to see poodles acting “naughty”. Another aspect of a poodle’s personality is their sensitivity. They’re very intune with their owner’s emotions and their environment. This makes a poodle an excellent companion but also means that they require gentle, positive training methods. When it comes to training your puppy, it’s important to take these considerations into account: Your puppy wants to please you – give them a chance to do so Your poodle wants to be challenged – make training a regular part of your day Your mood will affect how your pup responds – make sure you’re in the right headspace before you begin training so they’re not picking up on your worries and stress Your positive reinforcement is what your pup is seeking most – especially when you’re training your poodle, giving lots of praise and love is the best kind of training tool 2. Consistency is Key: When you’re training your poodle, it’s important to be consistent. This will help your pup learn your expectations faster and behave better more of the time. Consistency is important throughout an initial training period as well as in any ongoing training. Standard poodles are quick to pick up on patterns and routines, if their training is consistent and predictable, they will learn much more quickly. Inconsistent training cues, approaches, rewards and corrections can lead to confusion and frustration (for both you and your pup!). Training consistency should look something like this: Use consistent commands – “sit” and “sit down” are the same to us humans but are different to a pup. Pick a command or gesture and stick to it! Your pup will learn faster with less confusion Stick to a predictable routine – standard poodles thrive off of routine. Feeding, walking, playtime and training time should happen roughly at the same time each day to aid in your dog’s overall behavior Involve all family members – ensure each person in the family is aware and uses the commands, rewards and routines accordingly. This way your poodle will receive a unified message about acceptable behavior from all members of the family 3. Positive reinforcement works wonders: When training and working with your standard poodle, it’s important that you’re using positive reinforcement instead of negative, harsh tones or physical redirection. Since standard poodles are always looking to please their owners, the more often you can provide positive feedback for good behavior, the more of it you’ll see! Ways to use positive reinforcement in training Treats – something small and vet approved can work wonders when training. Be sure not to go overboard and maintain a close eye on your pup’s weight Praise – when you sound happy and excited about what your poodle has done, they’re going to make a positive association between their behavior and your happiness Play – standard poodles love to play, it strengthens them physically, mentally and creates a great bond between you and your pup! As these dogs are loyal and strive to keep you happy, any extra playtime they get with you is better than any delicious treat 4. Your pup wants to socialize: Socializing your standard poodle from a young age is important for their development and their well-being. Socialization includes introducing your pup to a variety of people, dogs, other animals and new environments– in a safe and controlled manor. Socializing them helps them to burn energy, use their brains and it also helps them to become well-adjusted as adult dogs. When you’re training your pup, it’s important to incorporate socialization and new experiences so your pup gets practice behaving in different settings. Focusing on this aspect as you train your poodle will help them be more well-rounded and flexible. Tips for socializing your standard poodle Start early – begin socializing your pup as early as you can, this is when they’re most receptive to new experiences Safe and positive experiences – in the earlier days of socialization training, make sure all of the experiences are as safe and positive as they can be. Use treats and praise to reinforce good behavior Gradual exposure – introduce new people, pets and experiences gradually to avoid overwhelming your pup. Start with short and controlled experiences and then over time increase the duration and variables in the interactions. Diverse environments – show your poodle a variety of places: sights, sounds, smells, textures etc. From quiet parks to busy streets, from a path in the woods to an indoor tiled floor Meet different people & different animals – It’s important that you allow your poodle to meet a wide range of people including children, and other folks who might be a little bit more unpredictable. Having your pup interact with other animals is important so when they encounter one unexpectedly, it won’t feel like a surprise. Monitor the reactions throughout socialization –pay attention to your poodle’s reactions. Note if they seem stressed, fearful or worried— and if they are, take a step back and go at a slower pace so they can feel comfortable. It’s also equally important to pay attention to the body language of the people and animals around your dog. If they seem nervous or scared, that’s another cue for you to back away and try again another time 5. It takes patience and persistence: Training your standard poodle, as with anything else in life, takes dedication, practice and persistence. These dogs learn quickly and are excited about a challenge, but each pup is unique and they will have their own pace and learning style. Staying patient and taking the time to really learn your pup’s needs will help you enjoy training more and help you achieve long-term success. Being persistent with your practice will help both you and your pup learn quicker. Important reminders in persistence and patience when it comes to training your pup Patience reduces stress (for you and your poodle) - being patient when you’re training your pup will reduce the amount of stress and pressure you put on yourself AND your dog. Remind yourself that it’s okay if your pup isn’t behaving perfectly all the time, and that each time you train, means you’re one step closer to a better-behaved poodle Patience means trust – giving your dog much deserved patience when training (and throughout the day-to-day) builds trust between you and your poodle. Your dog will always feel safe and loved if you train with patience Set realistic goals – avoid frustration by establishing achievable training goals. Celebrate small victories and adjust your goals accordingly based on your unique poodle Remember - you are learning as much as your pup is, so be kind to both yourself and your poodle. There are long-term benefits that come with a well-trained dog. Your poodle will be your loving companion and roommate for years to come, it’s important to establish a great relationship from the beginning that includes boundaries and love! The more time you spend training your pup the more well-adjusted and well-trained your poodle will be. Your pup will be happier because its physical and cognitive needs will be met, and the bond between you will be strong and continue to grow. Remember to be patient, loving and consistent!
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